January storm

New year downpour damage

THE storm event on January 4th – 5th saw over 400mm of rain fall at Seal Rocks and the catchment of Myall Lakes.

Combined with winds gusting upto 100km/hr there was considerable damage to buildings, roads and campgrounds within the Booti Booti and Myall Lakes National Parks.

Damage to the Seal Rocks Lighthouse saw sections of a roof peeled off.

Camping grounds around the Myall Lakes were inundated with up to 1m of water which caused many to be closed, including Neranie.

The clean-up effort was considerable, with many campgrounds closed until after the Australia Day long weekend. The extended closures were due to floodwaters slowly receding from the Myall Lake system as the Myall River is long and narrow with the tidal outlet into Port Stephens.


NPWS assisted crew in the recovery of a yacht washed up on Yagon Beach.

January Storms